Dinosaur Disco and Comedy Power Hour!
Akce Praha
Dinosaur Disco and Comedy Power Hour!
Come and join us for the best Friday night in Prague, the Dinosaur Disco and Comedy Power Hour!
The Czech Inn, Comedy Prague and Velvet Comedy are teaming up for a cracking evening of laughs and great tunes!
The Comedy Power Hour kicks off at 20.00 with barrels of laughs from Dave Cox, Katarína Puskarov and Bryan Flanagan. And your MC for the evening is the effervescent, Desi Cam!
And then we'll clear away the tables as you warm up your dancing shoes with DJ Flukey playing all the best music from the last 50 years!
Entry is 100kc (free for hostel guests) and reservations are recommended.
Contact The Czech Inn for reservations:
Místo konání akce: Czech Inn Hostel, Francouzska 76, Praha
Datum začátku akce: 13. Dubna 2018 20:00
Datum ukončení akce: 14. Dubna 2018 01:00
Pravděpodobné souřadnice: 50.0719N 14.4463E
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