Velvet Comedy presents Kristel Zweers Solo Show
Akce Praha
Velvet Comedy presents Kristel Zweers Solo Show
Velvet Comedy presents Kristel Zweers Solo Show
Kristel Zweers is Dutch so yes; she doesn't bite her tongue. Her straight forwardness and no-nonsense approach to life result in sharp observations and uncensored comedy.
Dutch comedian Kristel Zweers only started to perform in English after her move to Singapore in 2013. Leaving a successful Dutch comedy career behind ( incl. tv appearances and broadcasts of her shows) she was determent to make it all happen again. With success. Within a year she was touring Asia with performances in India, Sri-Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and Australia. In 2016 she performed her first english one-hour show “ LOST” at Fringeworld Perth.
The West Australian 2016:
"Kristel Zweers is Lost in Perth but we found her @Fringeworld and so should you!"
" It’s uncensored, unapologetic and unpredictable."
" The ruder she gets, the better it is."
Doors open at 7pm, show starts at 8pm.
Tickets on 150,- CZK / 200,- CZK at the door.
Místo konání akce: Czech Inn Hostel, Francouzska 76, Praha
Datum začátku akce: 1. Března 2018 20:00
Datum ukončení akce: 1. Března 2018 22:00
Pravděpodobné souřadnice: 50.0719N 14.4463E
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